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Growth Blog

Implementing web 2.0 Tools in Your Marketing Mix

Posted by Jeshua Zapata on Jan 5, 2012 6:34:00 AM

Implement web 2.0 tools to your marketing mixMany people live in an online digital communication world. You probably heard of technologies like podcasts, blogs, email marketing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other similar tools. These technologies are considered part of the web 2.0 world.

So how does a business engage new web 2.0 tools into your marketing plan? What tools are available? In this article we will introduce you to a few high-level web 2.0 concepts that could be utilized by your firm and implemented into your marketing mix: marketing calendar, blogs, email marketing, social networking, podcast, SEO and viral videos. When implemented, these concepts will not only increase the traffic to your website but will also act as lead generation tools. 

Blogs: Blogs are sections within a web-site that allows an author to post information, and allows others to comment. Blogs should encourage conversation, and blogs can be a combination of text, video, or audio.

Email Marketing Design: Email marketing promotes your brand, and customer and prospect touch-points. Email continues to be a preferred communication tool, and there are many tools to send email, and track delivery rates.

Social Networks: Social networking sites, are web-sites that allow users to create a profile and connect with one another. Social Media networks can help you market to a specific consumer segment. It also allows you to connect with potential customers. Popular sites include: facebook, Linked In, etc.

Podcasts – Postcasts are audio, or video files that can be downloaded to a personal PC or Music Player. This is another method to connect with consumers on the GO.

Viral Videos – Viral videos are videos or presentations passed online from person to person which generate buzz. These videos are meant to be passed from consumer to consumer; popular sites to share videos include YouTube.com or Google Videos.

By implement these web 2.0 tools into your marketing mix, you will increase your brand exposure online, start building your online reputation, and acquiring more qualified leads to your business.  

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