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Growth Blog

Discover the Power of Social Interactive Web sites

Posted by Jeshua Zapata on Aug 15, 2011 7:00:00 AM

The Power of Social Interactive Web SitesWhat does it mean to have a “social” and “interactive” web site? Overall, it means your website is more than just a static page that provides some simple text and images. A socially interactive web sites allows site visitors to communicate with it. Such sites utilize forms (for requesting information, asking questions, etc.), search boxes, quizzes, polls, games, and more. Social websites allow for connection and sharing with…other social websites, essentially.

If a site is social, it will also have social media presence and it will provide links for easy connection and sharing on such sites as Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Digg and many more. If your business has accounts on any social networking site, your should link it back to your company's website. 

Every time you post something about your latest products, company news, etc., you should pass it on through out all your social media networks in addition to your company's news page. This way, you keep your customers up-to-date with your company and allow them to retweet, like, or share your posts. Let me share with you some social media tools that will let you simultaneously post on your different social media platforms and even schedule your posts. Check out these 4 free ones: seesmic,  pixelpipe, ping.fm, and tweetdeck.

Leveriging your social media efforts and creating social media community for your business could translate into bringing more qualified leads to your sales tunnel, and ultimately, increasing your sales. 

Want to learn more about building a social interactive site?  Xzito can help you define your Social Media Strategy.  Let’s chat about how you can leverage Xzito’s Social Media Marketing services and lead generation programs. Call us today at 401-709-4342 or email us at support@Xzito.com

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Topics: Leadership, RevContent, Social Media

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